Consent to GenoSolution Service and Genetic Test

• The purpose of GenoSolution Service and Genetic Test of GENOSOLUTIONS Inc. (the “Service”) is to check the genetic factors with which each individual is born to tailor his/her health management and to provide scientific information so that he/she can constantly manage and prevent diseases by improving the life habits.

• The Service tests for following traits & diseases which are often found in Asians and are likely to cause heavy medical expense burden.

- GenoBasic (GenoSolution): 12 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

- GenoHealth (GenoSolution X): 10 TYPES OF CANCER +, 11 TYPES OF COMMON DISEASES

- GenoHealth+ (GenoSolution Y): DNA Disease Prediction Test Service, for 66 Male and 71 Female Diseases

- GenoTraits Series: GenoTraits 57 Items, GenoTraits+ 66 Items

• The tests of the Service measure a degree of risk of occurrence of the above-listed diseases that are predicted by analyzing genetic and/or environmental factors.

• The tests of the Service do NOT diagnose the current health status or replace the medical information. Moreover, depending on the latest research outcome, the topic of the tests and the results could vary.

• For the purposes of the provisions of the Service, the specimen is delivered to a laboratory in the USA.

• Because the Service provides the tests that are optimized for Asians, the tests may produce results which deviate from the optimum for non-Asians.

• The tests may produce inaccurate results for a test subject who received blood transfusion, organ transplant, or stem cell treatment, because the DNA of the test subject may have changed.

• The specimen (sample) may need to be re-collected if the specimen collection was not conducted properly.